Check out my first garage sale post here
I admit it, I have a problem. But hey, when I'm driving down the street and an insane number of garage sales going on, I'm going to look around, haha! Coffee in hand, I explored a couple sales and came back with some new treasures. Check it out:
My loot from a morning well-spent!
I grabbed a new pillow for my sadly-barren window seat and the Shirley Temple book for $5 (she wanted $8, and I was like, "Hell to the no!" so $5 it was). The Shirley Temple book is pretty thick and hardcover, so I'm going to make it into a book clutch. Updates on that when I finish the one i'm currently working on! :)
The book on the far right is a collection of writings by Ralph Waldo Emerson that I got for $1. I love his work, so this should be a fun read!
And last but not least, I got the middle book and my fancy new tripod for only $10! I low-balled the tripod at first with $5, but he wasn't having it so I paid $10 and got the book as well. It's still a pretty good deal, considering most tripods go for upwards of $40. The book should be a good story, I think; I've never heard of it before but apparently it's an old classic, and I love classics!
PLUS I was going to go get a tripod this weekend anyways, since I need one for my blog posts (my brothers both have shaky hands, and that just won't do!). So now I can actually post things- yay!
I should get my DIY bag post up this weekend, or if not, sometime this week. I promise! :)